Sunday, August 3, 2014

August Relief Society Presidency Message

Dear Sisters:
Moroni 6:5 - 6 says, "And they did meet together oft....."  I love Sundays.  I love to come to sacrament meeting and partake of the sacrament.  I love the words to the hymns we sing as we prepare for the sacrament and as we open and close our meetings.  I enjoy listening to one another as we share our thoughts and lessons learned through the scriptures and our everyday experiences.  The Sunday that our Sunday School lesson was from Psalms and Jeff Duffin ended with Psalms 23 and then Stephanie Harris told of when President Monson counseled her friend to read that scripture daily has had a lasting impression on me.  "The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want."  That is so powerful to me and I hope to you.  I learn so much every Sunday.  I am grateful we are counseled to "meet together oft".   We love you all and enjoy the sisterhood that we have in the Gospel.  Sister Andrea Myler

Saturday, May 31, 2014

June Relief Society Presidency Message

Dear Sisters:
I hope that you feel of the deep appreciation that we have for all that you do to minister to those you visiting teach and for your devotion and love to help for funerals or those who may be ill and need comfort or a meal.  So today I want to share a quote from the author Mary Neal that I love:
“Each of us is like a small piece of thread that contributes to the weaving of a very large and very beautiful tapestry.  We, as single threads, spend our lives worrying about our thread—what color it is and how long it is –even becoming upset if it becomes torn of frayed.  The complete tapestry is far too large for us to see and of too complex a pattern for us to appreciate the importance of our single thread.  Regardless, without our individual contribution, the tapestry would be incomplete and broken.  We should, therefore, recognize and take joy in our contribution. Indeed, our threads-our lives-are important; what we do and the choices we make, even the seemingly small ones, actually make a difference.”
“Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.” (Doctrine and Covenants 18:10)
Love, Sister Dayna Driscoll

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May Relief Society Presidency Message

 Dear Sisters,
     We have recently had two special events. First, with General Conference, and being able to listen to our prophet. To hear the word of the Lord through his leaders is indeed a great blessing and of course carries a great responsibility – to follow their words.  I am so grateful to have the words of our prophets to help us understand how to navigate in this world - I cannot imagine living in these times without the words of living prophets. I receive great faith and comfort from hearing their voices.
    Then it was Easter, and we were able to reflect on all that the Savior has done for us. Even though I do not fully comprehend the Atonement I am striving to understand it more. I loved the words of Elder Bednar’s  conference address  which gave me increased understanding, “Most of us know that when we do things wrong and need help to overcome the effects of sin in our lives, the Savior has made it possible for us to become clean through His redeeming power. But do we also understand that the Atonement is for faithful men and women who are obedient, worthy, and conscientious and who are striving to become better and serve more faithfully? I wonder if we fail to fully acknowledge this strengthening aspect of the Atonement in our lives and mistakenly believe we must carry our load all alone- through sheer grit, willpower, and discipline and with our obviously limited capacities. It is one thing to know that Jesus Christ came to the earth to die for us. But we also need to appreciate that the Lord desires, through His Atonement and by the power of the Holy Ghost, to enliven us- not only to guide but also to strengthen and heal us.”
     I hope that the experiences of the past couple of weeks have and will continue to strengthen our faith and help us to grow in the gospel. I love and appreciate you sisters and your examples of faithfulness. Love, Sister Kaylin Ure
                                                                                                                            Love,   Sister Kaylin Ure

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Dear Sisters, 
I love this time of year.  April is one of my favorite months.  It just sounds like spring.  There is no better way to begin Spring than by having General Conference.  The flowers and trees and  green grass that burst with color on Temple Square with people walking all about in reverence to what is happening all around them.  We are so very, very blessed to know that we have a living prophet, even Thomas S. Monson, that walks and talks and speaks for the Lord.  He, along with the other members of the first presidency and the twelve apostles, direct our paths and teach us all about our Savior and what is in store for us as we live like Him.  I love to hear them testify of the love the Savior has for us all.  l  love to hear them encourage us to repent and follow Him.  I love to hear their stories of how the Lord has worked miracles in this worldwide church.  I always listen anxiously to hear of any new announcements.  The speakers encourage us to strengthen our homes and families and give us hope in the world we live in.  As we prepare to watch and listen and learn we need to remember that then our part is to live it.  I pray that myself, along with each of you, will stand taller and reach higher and be more like the Savior.  Happy Spring
 With so much love
Sister Myler

Saturday, March 1, 2014


Dear Sisters, 
My heart has been lifted this week as I have witnessed the good among the sisters in our ward.  In the church news, the announcement was made about the effort to increase the feeling of sisterhood of Latter-day-Saint women of all ages across the world.  The general presidents of the Women’s' organizations have announced changes that will impact Relief Society, Young Women and Primary. Women who live outside of Utah and outside the United States have been called to serve on the newly formed Young Women general board.  Girls age 8 and older, young women and women in the Church will gather for the Church's semi-annual General Women’s meeting, which will replace the general Relief Society and Young Women meetings that have been held annually for decades.  Sister Oscarson said "Something that makes the meeting valuable is for women and girls ages 8 and older is, to be able to see how important they are for each other." She wants to help them see that we are all in this work of salvation together, that we are not divided into organizations that keep us separate. “We need one another. It is unity. It is seamless in spirit and purpose. We are together.”
I add my testimony of increasing sisterhood between women of all ages even in our ward.  Each of our callings has unique capabilities to bring together and elevate the gospel in our personal lives.  How grateful I am that a loving Heavenly Father is guiding his work on the earth knowing that when sisters are united in a cause for good that greatness will prevail. I thank- you dear sisters for working together to bring to pass so much good.  Thank-you also for working on quilts and donating whatever you could to help in the humanitarian fair.  I love you all.
Sister Janilee Palmer